Barcode House
Mi sono imbattuto nella “Barcode House” percorrendo la passeggiata d’inverno che si trova a Merano sul lato destro del fiume Passirio.
Mi sono imbattuto nella “Barcode House” percorrendo la passeggiata d’inverno che si trova a Merano sul lato destro del fiume Passirio.
Questa abitazione è stata soprannominata così per via dell’enorme codice a barre dipinto che si può vedere su due delle sue pareti esterne.
Sulla parete frontale, a lato del disegno, si può anche leggere la piccola scritta verticale “Klasse 3A Wisslyz Meran 1998“ che sembra ricordare un intervento del 1998 ad opera degli alunni del locale liceo scientifico.
Negli anni il codice a barre indicato su questa parete è stato cambiato almeno una volta passando da 485563-209758 a 485562-061007 ma il motivo della sua presenza, ed ancor più di questa sostituzione, resta un mistero ancora insoluto:
un semplice intervento decorativo oppure un messaggio nascosto da decifrare?
I came across the "Barcode House" along the winterwalk which is located in Merano on the right side of the Passirio river. This house has been nicknamed so because of the huge painted barcode that can be seen on two of its external walls. On the front wall, next to the drawing, you can also read the small vertical writing "Klasse 3A Wisslyz Meran 1998" which seems to recall a 1998 intervention by the students of the local scientific high school. Over the years the bar code indicated on this wall has been changed at least once from 485563-209758 to 485562-061007 but the reason for its presence, and even more so for this replacement, remains a still unsolved mystery: a simple decorative intervention or a hidden message to decipher?
I came across the "Barcode House" along the winterwalk which is located in Merano on the right side of the Passirio river. This house has been nicknamed so because of the huge painted barcode that can be seen on two of its external walls. On the front wall, next to the drawing, you can also read the small vertical writing "Klasse 3A Wisslyz Meran 1998" which seems to recall a 1998 intervention by the students of the local scientific high school. Over the years the bar code indicated on this wall has been changed at least once from 485563-209758 to 485562-061007 but the reason for its presence, and even more so for this replacement, remains a still unsolved mystery: a simple decorative intervention or a hidden message to decipher?