Qui si piangono i clowns
Il personaggio del clown rappresenta una delle figure più simboliche di quel magico spettacolo che è il Circo.
Il personaggio del clown rappresenta una delle figure più simboliche di quel magico spettacolo che è il Circo.
Ma di quello che è stato definito “il più grande spettacolo del mondo” ne fanno parte anche il domatore, il giocoliere, l’acrobata e molti altri personaggi con ruoli minori ma ugualmente caratteristici.
Tutti sembrano appartenere ad un mondo più spensierato del nostro ma purtroppo la vita, anche a loro, non sempre sorride.
Ed è così che, messi in disparte le emozioni e lo stato d’animo personale, questi artisti ogni volta scendono in pista dando il meglio di se stessi per divertire il pubblico di grandi e piccini.
E quando piangono lo fanno di nascosto.
Forse proprio per questa loro riservatezza molti hanno scelto di riposare, al termine della loro vita terrena, proprio nel sotterraneo del cimitero di Bussolengo, caso più unico che raro.
Nascoste agli occhi dei più, e raggiungibili solo da chi ne conosce il segreto, le cappelle delle più grandi famiglie circensi esibiscono accanto alla classica foto dell’artista defunto anche parecchie fotografie di scena.
Leggendo i nomi ci si rende conto che si tratta di protagonisti che hanno fatto la storia delle maggiori dinastie circensi italiane.
E che tutti loro si considerino parte di un’unica grande famiglia lo testimonia la scritta sulla lapide di Rosina Gerardi in Casartelli:
«Figli miei, venite più tardi possibile. Ma saremo ancora uniti e per sempre».
The clown character represents one of the most symbolic figures of that magical show which is the Circus. But what has been called "the greatest show in the world" also includes the tamer, the juggler, the acrobat and many other characters with minor but equally characteristic roles. Everyone seems to belong to a more carefree world than ours, but unfortunately life, even to them, does not always smile. And that's how, put aside the emotions and personal mood, these artists take to the track every time giving the best of themselves to entertain the public of young and old. And when they cry they do it secretly. Perhaps because of their privacy many have chosen to rest, at the end of their earthly life, right in the basement of the Bussolengo cemetery, a more unique than rare case. Hidden from the eyes of most, and accessible only by those who know its secret, the chapels of the largest circus families also exhibit several stage photographs alongside the classic photo of the deceased artist. Reading the names one realizest hat these are protagonist swho have made the history of the major Italian circus dynasties. And that all of them consider themselves part of a single large family is testified by the inscription on the tombstone of Rosina Gerardi in Casartelli: "My children, come as late as possible. But we will still be united and forever. "
The clown character represents one of the most symbolic figures of that magical show which is the Circus. But what has been called "the greatest show in the world" also includes the tamer, the juggler, the acrobat and many other characters with minor but equally characteristic roles. Everyone seems to belong to a more carefree world than ours, but unfortunately life, even to them, does not always smile. And that's how, put aside the emotions and personal mood, these artists take to the track every time giving the best of themselves to entertain the public of young and old. And when they cry they do it secretly. Perhaps because of their privacy many have chosen to rest, at the end of their earthly life, right in the basement of the Bussolengo cemetery, a more unique than rare case. Hidden from the eyes of most, and accessible only by those who know its secret, the chapels of the largest circus families also exhibit several stage photographs alongside the classic photo of the deceased artist. Reading the names one realizest hat these are protagonist swho have made the history of the major Italian circus dynasties. And that all of them consider themselves part of a single large family is testified by the inscription on the tombstone of Rosina Gerardi in Casartelli: "My children, come as late as possible. But we will still be united and forever. "